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Tour Route

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 9, Townsend, Winds and Winds

This morning I woke to a unique morning view, Rainbows!! During the night I awoke a couple of time to the sound of rain hitting the tent, but you can see by the time I was waking up, it was starting to clear.

We had heard that the ranger station had a stuffed bear. The 12 year old bear was killed by a car a couple of years ago. Inside the small ranger station, the bear filled the small room.

Twenty mile in we reached the Flesher pass which is a crossing of the continental divide. The continental divide is the point where the water runs off to the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean.

oops.. the battery of my computer is close to zero. I need to log off. I'll finish this off later.


  1. We didn't do Townsend in 2002; it looks like I missed a scenic day.

  2. Thank you very much Brian for all these photos ....
    We are dreaming with you and it give us in france a lot of information about the countryside you visit,
    Kind regards,
